Technology Advice for Small Businesses

Help your staff learn the gear they need for remote work

While being able to let your staff work from home is a distinct advantage, you still need to execute your remote strategy properly. A big part of this is the hardware your staff has at home. In addition to the primary items like computers and smartphones, these are the items your employees need to have.… Continue reading Help your staff learn the gear they need for remote work

Have your staff work from home with the proper gear

One of the major hurdles of shifting to a work-from-home setup is that the hardware your employees have at home can be very different from what they’re used to at the office. More than their computers and smartphones, these are the things your staff will need to set up their own home office. A reliable… Continue reading Have your staff work from home with the proper gear

Letting your staff work from home? Here’s the gear they’ll need

At the office, everything employees need to get work done is provided by the company. They have their PCs, standard keyboards, mice, and perhaps headsets if they do lots of calls. However, circumstances like community quarantines during viral outbreaks may force you to have staff work from their homes. Question is, what hardware must they… Continue reading Letting your staff work from home? Here’s the gear they’ll need