Technology Advice for Small Businesses

5 tips for using Facebook reactions

Simply getting a ‘Like’ on your post is not enough anymore. It doesn’t give you any other useful data and you can’t immediately tell what people feel about your post. However, with Facebook reactions, you can be getting just what your company’s social media page needs. Reactions allow people to quickly express what they think… Continue reading 5 tips for using Facebook reactions

Get the most out of Facebook reactions

Love, Haha, Wow, Sad or Angry. If you’ve been on Facebook recently, you’ve probably noticed that Facebook has finally added five more ways for you to react to a particular post. Many businesses will find this feature important since these new emoticons now provide a way for you to know what users feel about your… Continue reading Get the most out of Facebook reactions

Using Facebook emoticons to your advantage

Your news feed is about to get a lot more expressive, thanks to Facebook reactions. Aside from ‘Liking’ a status update, you now have five more options to express what you feel about a post. The new feature not only makes it easier for you to appropriately react to a piece of bad news but… Continue reading Using Facebook emoticons to your advantage