Technology Advice for Small Businesses

5 security measures made easy

Let’s face it, keeping yourself free from online threats can be a pain: using different passwords for every site, changing them every three months, using advanced encryption, the list goes on and on. You either end up paranoid of being online or give up altogether. We’ve organized 5 simple cybersecurity measures that we promise anyone… Continue reading 5 security measures made easy

5 tips to help deal with security headaches

Keeping your company data safe and secured is not an easy job, especially as cyberattack threats get more and more sophisticated every day. But fret not, there are a lot of simple solutions that can be achieved with almost any level of tech expertise. In this article, we’ve listed 5 of our favorite cybersecurity tips… Continue reading 5 tips to help deal with security headaches

5 simple but manageable security measures

Don’t be put off by the tech jargon of security experts you find in forums and self-help books. A managed service provider is what you need to break down complex security ideas into easy-to-understand language. However, they generally focus on installing and managing protection software that’s often far too complicated to operate without their help.… Continue reading 5 simple but manageable security measures