Technology Advice for Small Businesses

Are you in need of a data warehouse?

The amount of data both available to, and generated by, a company is increasing exponentially. While some smaller to medium businesses are coping fine with the growth, many are struggling with managing their data, let alone leveraging it to help make better decisions. If you find that your business isn’t coping with data, one solution… Continue reading Are you in need of a data warehouse?

Do you need a data warehouse?

Data is an integral component to any business. Without it we would not be able to make decisions, develop marketing campaigns, or even operate. The issue many businesses face however is that the amount of data they generate and capture is increasing exponentially and it can be a challenge to collect and leverage it. One… Continue reading Do you need a data warehouse?

Does your company need a data warehouse?

The data your business generates and captures is among the one of the most important assets available to yourself and your and employees. Unfortunately, the amount of data available is growing exponentially and it can quickly overwhelm many positions. One solution that allows businesses to better manage data is the data warehouse. The only question,… Continue reading Does your company need a data warehouse?