Technology Advice for Small Businesses

IT innovations that transform healthcare

The mere mention of the word “technology” elicits a certain expectation. Namely, that we’re dealing with something that’s modern, new, and has the potential to change our lives. In healthcare, new and transformative solutions are constantly being created. Here are some you should know about. The “internet of things” The “internet of things” (IoT) literally… Continue reading IT innovations that transform healthcare

3 Health IT trends you should investigate

Healthcare IT is on the cusp of several game-changing IT trends. They’re things that are likely to derail the healthcare industry’s apple cart, as it were, by introducing completely new ways of diagnosing patients, conducting clinical trials, treating illnesses, and much more. The “internet of things” The “internet of things” (IoT) literally means that more… Continue reading 3 Health IT trends you should investigate

Disruptive technologies in healthcare

Corporate giants like Microsoft, Google, and Apple are cultural icons because their software and hardware innovations have been, dare we say, revolutionary. In the not-too-distant future, we’ll be looking back and marveling at how healthcare once existed without some of the radical-sounding technologies that are tantalizingly close to becoming reality. The “internet of things” The… Continue reading Disruptive technologies in healthcare

Sci-fi or true healthcare innovation?

In hi-tech environments like IT, aeronautics, and military weaponry, the term “paradigm shift” is a bit overused, often applied to changes that don’t really meet the true definition. But in healthcare it relates nicely as several developments marking fundamental, wholesale departures from the way things are done are poised to upend the current state of… Continue reading Sci-fi or true healthcare innovation?

How hi-tech can healthcare get?

The mere mention of the word “technology” elicits a certain expectation. Namely, that we’re dealing with something that’s modern, and new, and has the potential to change our lives. The word “disruptive” is also indicative of change, so a term like “disruptive technology” may seem redundant. But in healthcare it makes perfect sense as the… Continue reading How hi-tech can healthcare get?

3 fascinating advances in health-tech

Corporate giants like Microsoft, Google and Apple are essentially cultural icons because their software and hardware innovations have been, dare we say, revolutionary. Similarly, in the not-too-distant future, we’ll be looking back and marvelling about how healthcare once existed without some of the radical-sounding technologies that are tantalizingly close to becoming reality. Technology companies are… Continue reading 3 fascinating advances in health-tech