Technology Advice for Small Businesses

How to delete a virus from your Android device

Is something off in the world of your Android phone or tablet? Is it running slower than usual? Is it eating data faster than a chubby kid in a chocolate store? If any of these situations sound familiar, your phone or tablet may be infected with a virus. That’s why we’ve compiled these six steps… Continue reading How to delete a virus from your Android device

Remove a virus from your Android device

We all know that computers can get infected with viruses, but did you know that your phone or tablet can as well? Yes, it is in fact true. And just because you have a new fancy Android device, doesn’t mean you’re immune. So if your phone or tablet starts acting funny and you suspect a… Continue reading Remove a virus from your Android device

Oust the pesky virus from your Android device

There are things that all of us hold dear to our hearts: family, a stable career, and our smartphone and tablet. Okay, maybe those last two aren’t as important as the others. But still, your smartphone or tablet is likely an integral part of your life. And you’re probably using them to foster that stable… Continue reading Oust the pesky virus from your Android device