Technology Advice for Small Businesses

Infuse life into your old laptop

It can be tough to see your laptop die. While you likely shared many good moments with it, undoubtedly, there will come a time when it’s ready to be retired to the back of the closet or disposed of. If you are lucky enough to still have yours hanging around the house or office, then… Continue reading Infuse life into your old laptop

How to revive your old laptop

Spring is a time of new life. The buds on trees begin to blossom, baby duckling sightings become common, and that old laptop you stuffed in the back of your closet can be reborn…did we confuse you on that last one? Well, while Spring is usually thought of as a time for new life in… Continue reading How to revive your old laptop

Revive your old laptop this Spring

There comes a point in the life of every laptop where its hard drive slows and it begins to function at a snail’s pace. At this point, many people either toss it or retire it to the back of a closet. If you’re one of the latter, then this Spring you may be able infuse… Continue reading Revive your old laptop this Spring