Technology Advice for Small Businesses

Chrome for mobile’s new features

The mobile phone and tablet have both become large parts of everyday life for many people. These all-purpose devices enable users to do pretty much everything, including browsing the Internet. For many users the browser of choice is Google’s Chrome which has recently been updated with new features which users will enjoy. Here is an… Continue reading Chrome for mobile’s new features

Chrome updated on your mobile device

Mobile devices have become a large part of our lives, and we use them nearly every chance we get. In fact, an increasing number of people use their device almost exclusively for certain jobs or communications. More often than not, mobile devices are used to browse the Web, often using a browser such as Chrome.… Continue reading Chrome updated on your mobile device

New features for Chrome on your mobile

The mobile device has become such a large part of many people’s lives that it is often hard to ignore. One of the most popular uses for the phone has to be browsing the Web. Many people use Google’s Chrome browser largely because it’s the browser they use on their desktop. The mobile version of… Continue reading New features for Chrome on your mobile