Technology Advice for Small Businesses

Customizing search results for your brand

For businesses of any size, getting on the first page of Google search results is important to drive traffic to the website. Although most search engine optimizers will focus more on getting organic results, the limitation of this approach is that it only reaches users looking for a particular service and not your specific brand.… Continue reading Customizing search results for your brand

Branded search results for your business

SEO is meant to increase traffic to a website so that more users interact with its content. However, there is more than one way to approach SEO. The right approach should also account for users who already know your brand, and make it easier for them to access your website and share it with other… Continue reading Branded search results for your business

Making useful search results for your brand

When it comes to SEO for businesses, most people focus on getting organic results based on keywords centered around those used in their industry. Unfortunately, those keywords don’t focus on your brand identity. That means Google search results are severely limited because users may not know about a specific brand. There are methods a business… Continue reading Making useful search results for your brand