Technology Advice for Small Businesses

CopyCat on the prowl for Android

New strains of malware are being developed every day. In fact, the number was nearly one million per day in 2015. With so many in existence, some have gone under the radar, as such is the case with CopyCat. So if you’re using any type of Android device, know that CopyCat likes to use its… Continue reading CopyCat on the prowl for Android

Android devices easy prey for CopyCat

There’s a reason malware makes the headlines on the internet almost every day: its impact on business has proved devastating. Nearly one million new strains of malware are being developed each day, which goes to show how popular of a weapon it is in a hacker’s arsenal. Unfortunately, even older malware can still wreak havoc… Continue reading Android devices easy prey for CopyCat

Steer your Android clear of CopyCat

The number of new malware being developed each day is alarming. If you think hundreds or thousands are a lot, try nearly one million. One that is extremely cunning goes by the name of CopyCat, which emerged in 2015 and has already infected millions of Android devices. That said, here’s everything you need to know… Continue reading Steer your Android clear of CopyCat