Technology Advice for Small Businesses

Promoting collaboration tools adoption

Collaboration tools enhance efficiency and productivity,  enabling organizations to work faster and better. But for collaboration tools to truly deliver on their promise, you need employee buy-in. Accelerate collaboration tools adoption with these tips. #1 Conduct an audit and have your use cases ready – The first thing you need to do is run an… Continue reading Promoting collaboration tools adoption

Getting staff to use collaboration tools

An organization might have the most state-of-the-art technology in the world at its disposal, but none of it matters if people don’t use it. Here are are five good ways to ensure collaboration tools adoption for your business. #1 Conduct an audit and have your use cases ready – The first thing you need to… Continue reading Getting staff to use collaboration tools

How to ensure collaboration tools adoption

Businesses continue to install tools like Skype, Slack, Yammer, HipChat, Google Hangouts, and Microsoft Teams, but many struggle to get users to adopt them. Adoption, however is not something that comes overnight; it requires in-depth strategies. Here are ways to ensure people make use of your collaboration tools. #1 Conduct an audit and have your… Continue reading How to ensure collaboration tools adoption