Technology Advice for Small Businesses

Skype Insider Program from Microsoft

Microsoft has recently announced an Insider Program offering for Skype. This program will allow Skype users on Android, iOS, OS X, and Windows to access more features and updates to its Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) service and application. Read on to learn more about Microsoft’s new Skype Insider Program and how it can benefit… Continue reading Skype Insider Program from Microsoft

Skype users can join a new Insider Program

The latest announcement from Microsoft is an extension of its new and beloved Insider Programs. If you are a Skype user — whether for business, personal use, or both — then this new program just might be for you. Android, iOS, OS X, and Windows users can join the Skype Insider Program and gain access… Continue reading Skype users can join a new Insider Program

Microsoft offers Insider Program for Skype

One of the latest innovations from Microsoft involves various popular Insider Programs. The newest of these is a Skype Insider Program. Available for all desktop and mobile operating systems, this program will grant business owners and individuals access to more frequent updates and new, special features to one of the most important voice over internet… Continue reading Microsoft offers Insider Program for Skype