Technology Advice for Small Businesses

Spectre & Meltdown safety for Apple devices

Undoubtedly, 2018’s first set of truly bad news involves reports about the Spectre and Meltdown bugs, fundamental flaws in computer processors that can leak highly sensitive data. Researchers say they affect a majority of modern computers, and chances are your business’s devices are also affected. Luckily for Mac, iPhone and iPad users, there are ways… Continue reading Spectre & Meltdown safety for Apple devices

Spectre & Meltdown: how to protect yourself

Spectre and Meltdown are critical security flaws that affect a majority of computers today, including the one you’re using to read this. They can leak your passwords and other sensitive data, which is why software companies are working on security patches. The good news for Apple users is that fixes are now available to keep… Continue reading Spectre & Meltdown: how to protect yourself