Technology Advice for Small Businesses

Bloatware on your Android device

In many countries when you go to buy a mobile phone, and more specifically an Android phone, from a carrier the mobile carrier will often install their own apps onto the device. These apps, commonly referred to as bloatware, are usually tied into a service that your carrier offers and are for the most part… Continue reading Bloatware on your Android device

The story on Android bloatware

If you have ever bought a phone on contract from a wireless provider, especially an Android phone, you likely have noticed a few carrier related apps that came preinstalled on your device. These apps, commonly referred to as bloatware, can be annoying and many users simply don’t use them. The problem is, if you have… Continue reading The story on Android bloatware

Office is now available on Android

The release of Office on mobile devices allows users to view and edit their files while on the go. Office Mobile 2013, the latest version of the mobile suite was recently updated for the Android platform. However, prior to the update a subscription to Office 365 was needed in order to use it. This is… Continue reading Office is now available on Android

Use Office on your Android for free

The latest version of Office Mobile came to the Android market last year. However, users were required to have an Office 365 account in order to use Office on their Android device. Today, Microsoft has changed the conditions and Android users can enjoy using Office on their devices for free without the need to have… Continue reading Use Office on your Android for free

Office Mobile for Android now free

Office Mobile was first introduced as Pocket Office in 1996, with only Word and Excel included in the suite. Pocket Office was then changed to Office Mobile with the release of the 5.0 version of the Windows Mobile OS. With this release, PowerPoint was included in the Office programs. When Office Mobile 2013 was released… Continue reading Office Mobile for Android now free