Technology Advice for Small Businesses

Don’t Let The Dog Days Of Summer Wreak Havoc On Your Technology

Heat and technology don’t mix. We’re talking about things like PCs, servers and everything inside of them. A lot of manufacturers try to make sure the heat generated by hardware has a way to escape, but it’s not always enough. And what about heat from the outside? This is where problems can really get out… Continue reading Don’t Let The Dog Days Of Summer Wreak Havoc On Your Technology

Beat The Heat! How The Dog Days Of Summer Can Wreak Havoc On Your Technology

The dog days of summer are here, and it’s hot out! Homeowners and business owners alike are bracing for their upcoming power bills as they run their air conditioners around the clock trying to keep cool. But for many business owners, it’s not just about keeping your team cool – it’s also about keeping your… Continue reading Beat The Heat! How The Dog Days Of Summer Can Wreak Havoc On Your Technology