Technology Advice for Small Businesses

What are Microsoft 365 Groups connectors?

Microsoft 365 Groups is a cross-application service that lets users choose the people with whom they want to collaborate and share resources, such as a document library or a Microsoft Outlook inbox. And with its connectors feature, anyone can send information — even those from third-party apps — to the rest of the group right… Continue reading What are Microsoft 365 Groups connectors?

Your guide to Microsoft 365 Groups connectors

Microsoft 365 Groups has a nifty feature called connectors, which enables users to link to and get information from third-party apps in Microsoft Outlook. This means relevant content and updates are shared immediately in your group feed, making workflow and collaboration more seamless. Find out more about how connectors can boost your team’s efficiency and… Continue reading Your guide to Microsoft 365 Groups connectors

How do Microsoft 365 Groups connectors work?

The cross-application service in Microsoft 365 known as Groups enables members of a team to collaborate and share resources with one another. Such resources can be a calendar, spreadsheets, and even an Microsoft Outlook inbox, among others. Groups also has a feature called connectors that allows users to share content from third-party services right in… Continue reading How do Microsoft 365 Groups connectors work?

Make meetings productive with

Is there anything worse than an unproductive meeting? The feeling of those minutes and even hours slipping by you as you sit ‘brainstorming’ with co-workers, only to leave the room with a big fat nothing. The frustrating part is that, when run effectively, meetings can result in great ideas, and can add huge value to… Continue reading Make meetings productive with enjoy more productive meetings

When run effectively and with an objective in mind, company, departmental, managerial or even one-on-one meetings can result in big ideas, great change, and heightened productivity for your team of employees. On the other hand, if your meeting room is constantly booked up with people shooting the breeze, arguing over procedures, or simply rambling on… Continue reading enjoy more productive meetings

More productive meetings with

Meetings that result in little more than wasted hours are counter-productive and a surprisingly large drain on resources. After all, if your best people are spending the majority of their working day locked in a meeting room, drinking endless cups of coffee, making copious notes, and yet leaving with little or nothing to show for… Continue reading More productive meetings with