Technology Advice for Small Businesses

Business continuity exercise 101

Disasters, whether in the form of man-made errors or natural causes, are a business’s worst fear. Imagine coming to your office one morning to find the internal servers destroyed overnight by a massive flood. This could be the end of the road for your company, unless you have a business continuity plan (BCP) to cope… Continue reading Business continuity exercise 101

5 steps to a business continuity exercise

Business continuity plans (BCP) are designed to protect your company’s resources and data in the event of a disaster. Backing up data, getting insurance and marking rally points are some of the main components of a BCP. One of the most important processes is running an exercise to test whether the BCP actually works. But… Continue reading 5 steps to a business continuity exercise

Conducting business continuity exercises

Unexpected disasters can completely catch your business off guard, and when they do you’ll have a hard time trying to get things back in order. Most business owners are aware of potential problems, so they usually have a business continuity plan (BCP) already in place. But testing these plans to find loopholes and room for… Continue reading Conducting business continuity exercises